
We can't do it alone. The gift of PJ Library begins at the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, underwriting each subscription and inspiring the founding vision of Jewish literacy in the next generation.

In NSW and ACT, PJ Library couldn’t exist without the ongoing support of two organisations – the JCA and Shalom. The JCA provides essential funding and strategic guidance; whilst Shalom both houses PJ Library and provides necessary support, both financial and operational, to create ways for you to connect with other families and Jewish life locally.

In the Victoria region, PJ Library is made possible thanks to local philanthropic partners and UJEB- The United Jewish Education Board, the organization that houses PJ Library and provides an engaging and tangible way for children and families in the Victoria region to connect with their Jewish heritage and local community.

And finally, PJ Parents and Grandparents read the books to their children and grandchildren, and help bring PJ stories and values alive in their families.

PJ Library wouldn't exist without all of these essential partners, and we're always looking for more people to help us. To become a PJ partner or to help bring PJ Library to your Australian community, please email us ( for more information.

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